Saturday, 2 February 2019

4 Reasons Revealed: Why You Should Engage Funeral Services from Professionals?

When you are going through the loss of a loved one, it is never easy to deal with the pain and sudden tragedy. Still the family has to put the broken pieces together and arrange for the funeral and memorial services. It is an emotionally taxing time and it can be difficult to make rational decisions related to the funeral.

It is here where funeral homes come to your rescue. Just like an event management company helps you organise an event, the funeral home does the job of the funeral arrangements for you. There are various funeral packages in Singapore and you can choose one based on your budget.

Here’s a look at the reasons why it is a wise decision to get help from professional funeral homes:

1. They look after the transfer of the body

When a loved one passes away, their body is to be transferred to the funeral parlour from the home or hospital. The funeral home will take the body to the parlour in their vehicle as they have special transportation arrangements for this.

2. They help in embalming

Before the Christian funeral service is performed, one should always pay emphasis on ensuring that the body of the deceased is kept nicely and should be ready for its last sight. The funeral companies have experience in embalming the dead person for the wake. It can be a little tricky but they have the expertise in managing the matter. If the deceased had a messy demise, it is all the more necessary to embalm the body.

3. Finding the right casket

After the embalming is done, you would need a casket for the deceased to rest in. It can be overwhelming for you to find a suitable casket as there are many options. But funeral parlours can offer you their advice on this. They can also add the price of the casket the funeral package.

4. Making arrangements for wake

Once the body of the deceased is placed in the casket, it is time for the wake. The funeral homes help to settle the arrangements at the venue of the wake such as flowers and other essentials.

Explore the web for more information and suggestion on choosing the right Christian funeral service for making the arrangements easier.

Thursday, 3 January 2019

4 Essential Questions That You Should Ask a Funeral Director

In Singapore, you can find many funeral pre-planning services which help an individual plan and arrange for their funeral in advance. In the same way that people plan for wedding events, it is now possible to pre-arrange your funeral as well.

It is a selfless act that you do as a responsibility towards your family. By engaging in pre-planning funeral services, you are offering peace of mind and financial aid to your loved ones which would help them when you are gone.

If you have some queries about funeral pre-planning, here’s a look at some important information and questions that you must ask your funeral director:

1. Benefits of funeral planning

Planning your funeral in advance not only helps your family financially and lets them grieve in peace, it also offers you an opportunity to choose your own casket, gives the funeral a personalised touch, and choose between burial or cremation.

2. Pre-payment

One of the significant benefits of pre-planning your funeral is that you can pay in advance. But if you choose to pre-pay, get written confirmation about the deliverables and guarantee that the price of these items will not increase in future when the time for the funeral comes. You can either pay the entire amount all at once or pay in instalments.

3. Transferring the funeral plan

You can transfer your pre-arranged funeral plan to another funeral home in case you change your mind. But the cost you had agreed upon during the contract will be considered final and in some cases you won’t be refunded the difference.

4. Is it required to pre-plan the funeral if you have life insurance?

Funeral pre-planning is different from life insurance as it helps you to plan for your funeral and make arrangements for the funeral expenses. On the other hand, life insurance will provide the funds that will help your family in dealing with financial loss and hardships which they may face in future. It may take some time after your death for them to receive the insurance payout and so may not help in arranging for the funeral.

Explore the web for more information and suggestions on points to consider while looking for pre-planning funeral services in Singapore.