Tuesday, 11 December 2018

The 2 Most Important Factors that Impacts the Funeral Cost in Singapore

It is normal for you to fret over the mere mention of your death but it is important to acknowledge this natural phenomenon as it is also a fact of life. By accepting that all of us will eventually leave this world, you can plan your funeral in advance.

In Singapore, there are several religious groups and hence you can find funeral companies providing different types of funeral and memorial services that cater to the customs of each religious community. If you believe in Buddhism, you can pre-plan your Buddhist funeral in Singapore with some financial planning to reduce your family’s burden once you are gone.

1. Get the essential papers prepared in advance

Planning for your Buddhist or Taoist funeral in advance will help in reducing both the financial and emotional burden from your family. It can also help them in making the best decision at the time of the funeral and memorial and abide by your last wishes. You should also consider getting a LPA and AMD. The LPA, Lasting Power of Attorney is a document which signifies the appointment of an entity who can make crucial decisions on your behalf in case you lose your mental capabilities. The AMD or Advance Medical Directive is a document acting as a legal refusal to the medical team for any life-sustaining treatments for prolonging your life once you become terminally ill.

2. Arranging for funeral expenses based on the type of funeral

The cost of a funeral varies depending on the type of funereal ceremony you wish to host, such as a Taoist, Chinese, Christian or Buddhist funeral. The funeral packages differ from one company to another but you can get a good deal if you research a little and get quotations from several funeral parlours.

Usually, a funeral package consists of the casket, hair and makeup, prayer service, embalming, food, tables, and commissioning of casket.

Explore the web for more information and suggestions on arranging your funeral in advance. You can get in touch with various service providers to seek information about packages they offer to support Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, and even Taoist funeral in Singapore to be sure that you get what exactly you are paying for.